Tuesday, February 26, 2008

No Longer in Service

As of the 17th of February, this blog no longer gives an accurate depiction of our life. Please view my new blog at:


It may take a while to set it all up, but I will get to it. I'm hoping to use it much more frequently than the previous blog... it will be my diary for the year to come... quite a year it will be.

See you on the other side... uh... I mean site. :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Just a Couple Nice Pix

From the October wedding vacation...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Gainfully Employed!!!

Yay!!! I've got myself a new job and I start the Monday after I get back from Cali (4th of Feb). It's so nice that we won't have to worry about me being unemployed for any length of time... the timing has worked out great!

I'm now the PA to the Founder and Managing Director of Landmark Property Management. They have a couple of websites: www.landmark.lu and www.landmarkeurope.com - They're registered in Luxembourg, have shareholders in Iceland and the U.K. and they're based in Bulgaria with additional Board members located in Austria, Croatia, and Ireland. :)

Here's a couple pics of my new 'office'... :) hee hee.


The offices are in his home for now, but he's converting an old coach-house into offices so he can have his house back... but the coach-house is right next to the house. The entire property is approx. 800 acres with an 8 acre walled garden. They have 'Hunts' there a few times a year for pheasant and some of the land is leased out for grazing and tillage. There is also the ruins of an old church on the property as well as the ruins of an old castle.

The church is called Molana Abbey and the Castle is TempleMichael. Here's a couple pix of Molana Abbey. I found some of Templemichael, but they were shy and wouldn't show up on the Blog. :)

It will be a very busy and demanding job, but I hope to be able to impress the hell out of them. It would be so nice to find myself a job where I can stay for at least five years. I thought I had found it...

Anywho... other than that big news, not much to report. We're closing on the house at the end of February and after my 'handy' man lays all the flooring, we should be in just in time for Paddy's Day... I look forward to just being in the house... even if it's amidst boxes for a couple of months... although we've got a busy year ahead with LOTS of visitors... Can't live around boxes for TOO long. :)

Off I go to Cali... still a bit to pack, but I'm not too worried about anything this trip... I'm on my own... I still can't believe I'm going to get to SLEEP on the plane! :) Sheer BLISS... read, watch a movie uninterrupted and sleep...

As much as I'm going to enjoy the break, I know I'm still going to be pining for the kids the whole time... and then after I'm home for one hour... I'll need a break!!! I LOVE parenthood! ha ha ha! :)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Just a Random Update

Sorry, no pics yet... still haven't taken the time to locate, download and fix up photo's.

I DID however have a VERY good interview today, so I'm still ridin' high on that. Fingers crossed all went well and if I get good news in the next week, I'll post pix of the location... You're all going to be JEALOUS! :)

Another bit of good news is that the small boy is starting playschool. Mind you it will only be two days a week for a couple of hours, but it's something. Nan can have a break and he can interact with other little boys and maybe learn (hopefully very quickly) that's aggressive streaks aren't so fun when you're on the receiving end... He'll get there.

The small girl's been pushing boundaries lately in a BIG way.... so now we're having to start taking away privileges. Again... some lessons to learn.

Every day brings new perspective and a better understanding of all parents in the world... and of course tremendously more respect. It's amazing when those moment's occur and this little 'gong' of realisation kicks in and you think, 'Oh... that's why they did that.' Funny.

That's it for now... I might start trying to do regular small updates instead of the the monthly 'book'. ;)

Hope to post with good news soon!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Holiday Survival 101

Hello all... so I've lapsed a bit on the ole' blog end of things. My bad.

Christmas was great! We had such a good time and both the kids were so excited. Especially the little miss. 'Santa' rang her on my mobile and I thought she was going to take off like a rocket! Her entire body was just buzzing and it looked like she would eat her hand. I asked her how in the world he could have known my mobile number, cuz I hadn't sent it to him and her answer was "cuz he's magic MOM". I'm sure you can pick up the hint of 'duh' she had in her voice.

She was REALLY excited about Christmas and the small fella was pretty hyper too, although I think he was just feeding off his big sister. Next year he'll definitely get it and the two of them will be unstoppable! He did love being handed prezzies though... :) Every time he was given one he would say "a pressen fa'me?!?" Too cute.

We grown-ups did our regular 'ridiculous budget' for Christmas. I always love doing that! This year we each had was 18.50 to spend. It's always so fun to try and get genuinely thoughtful presents. He definitely won this year... one of his gifts even made me cry.

After the tornado of wrapping paper and ludicrous amounts of packaging on the kid's stuff, we headed to the beach where my incredibly brave husband swam in the ocean. A lot of people do a Christmas day swim and raise money for the charity of their choice. He did his for 'Simon' which helps the homeless. He ran in and actually dove under, then started heading out... and then, out of sheer delirium, he WENT BACK IN! I've got pix, but I'll have to post them next time... the camera is M.I.A.

After the swim we headed to the 'outlaws' and had a great Christmas day and dinner. Yum, yum, yummy! Nana and Grandad had loads of fun and of course the kids made out like bandits... AGAIN. I proceeded to get drunk with my ma'in'law and ALLEGEDLY spoke to a good friend of mine... I'm still not convinced, because I remember talking with my sister which took place AFTER my alleged conversation. Anywho... it's been a while since I partook so much, so who knows what my brain was doin'! Thank goodness there's was no severe aftermath. I woke up just like normal the next day... to everyone's AMAZEMENT! :)

New Year's Eve was pretty mellow. We were invited to a party, but being the parents of two young children really takes all the drive to 'PAR-TAY' out of ya. Instead we went on a date and the kids stayed with the grandparents. Dinner and a movie was our plan, but unfortunately there were no showings after 7pm, so we came home and had a beer. It was good to be able to ring in the New Year, lay a big ole' smacker on my man and then simply walk upstairs for a good night sleep. It was SO NICE to sleep without one of the smallies coming into the bed! Happy New Year indeed!

Since then, it's been life as usual... well, considering our life is nothing but. I went back to work the 2nd and immediately began the job search. School started back up this past Monday and of course the small fella went back to 'Daycare Nana' when the other two started back up at school. We're hoping playschool will have an opening soon, cuz 'Daycare Nana' needs a little break from the little Tasmanian Devil! :)

We got contracts for the house and we're gathering all the pieces in order to close things up. We'll either be closing the last week of January (when I'm in Cali) or the last week of February. Either way is fine with me. It's ours and I'm just so incredibly grateful to be able to say that... one more month isn't going to make much of a difference.

Hope everyone had a great holiday season... and in case you didn't get an e-mail or text, here's hoping last year's best is this year's worst!

(now that I'm back to regular life time, more blogs and pix to come soon... sorry it took so long this time...)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Ho Ho!!!

Well... It's Holiday season and we're having loads of fun getting ready for it... The two most notable gifts this year are

1. Our new Neice... She's a beauty!


2. Contracts for our house! We're due to receive them next week.

Life doesn't get much better... New family and new home. I look forward to meeting the small girl next year and moving into our new house shortly after... What a NEW YEAR it will be!

The kids and I saw Santa this week... LOADS of fun!

Happy Holidays to You All...

May this year's BEST,

be next year's worst.

The McSweeney Four...

Friday, December 7, 2007

Post Turkey Depression

Well... we survived Thanksgiving, only to get a very nasty cold... ALL of us. That's very rare considering Mr. Man never gets so much as a sniffle year round. It must be a whopper of bug. I've been on meds and we've been juicing the kids up in the evenings with all the regulars. I've discovered a good ole' slathering of Vicks is a wonderful thing. Luckily theirs hasn't been so bad as to need meds, but we're still keeping a close eye on them.

Beyond that, nothing much to report (other than moving office AGAIN, but that's a LONG story for another day). Thanksgiving went very well. I was disappointed though, that I forgot all about the corn bread stuffing. By the time it was pulled out, it was a bit more like roasted corn maize. :) Nobody seemed to mind and there was more than enough food. Luckily the leftovers didn't last too long and we'll be able to stomach turkey again for Christmas. One of the highlights was the fact that we had PUMPKIN PIE! Thank you Fi!

The kids had a blast. We had the proverbial kids table and it was a huge hit! I don't how much food actually made it into mouths versus the floor, but hey... what does anyone expect from four kids from ages five down to 2 1/2? :)

I look forward to Christmas and we've already got some decorations up. I'll probably put up more this weekend... I'm finally starting to feel human again. I got a bit pangy last night... watching ads with images of Christmas dinners... all the family around the table. It's very easy to get caught up missing those that are far away and those who have departed... especially Mom. Although I know she's present... somehow.

My appreciation for parents grows daily. With Christmas fast approaching, I'm enjoying imagining what my parents were doing, thinking and considering when we were small. Of course it was a different world altogether, but I can only imagine they enjoyed it just as much and I am... the BEST part is all the SCHEMING!!! I LOVE IT! :)

My sister is about to become a parent for the first time... she's due on the 9th... I'm so excited for her and her husband... They are about to discover the overwhelming wonder that is parenthood.